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Showing posts from August, 2018

How to turn my vulnerability switch on?

Being vulnerable is something that doesn't come easy for me. I am so use to adapting to difficult circumstances instead of standing tall and saying that I need more. Being that "I'm fine" person whenever I'm asked if I need help or is everything ok is draining. To be honest I'm afraid of being disappointed and let down that I would rather put the burden, worries and stress on myself... Why am I ok with being everyone's shoulder, ear, and crutch when they need me, but too afraid to say I'm not complete and I need you as my shoulder or ear this time around?  I absolutely enjoy helping others and making them happy, but somehow I feel no one should be able to give me the same in return that I must make it happen on my own.  This is hard for me because it’s admitting to myself that I have to face my weaknesses and fears and that's scary. I have to end this dysfunctional pattern.