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I Lost... How?

Well that didn’t go over so good…

My kids you know that ones that drive me a little crazy sometimes are the funniest little people on the planet.
So the break I desperately need but can’t take, well I thought I would stand my ground. So I told them I was going to take a small girls trip to Vegas for the weekend. I was like it’s happening no if ands or buts about it.
Me: Hey guys’ mommy is going to take a small trip over the weekend to Vegas.
Jr: Oldest son (9 years old) Yes! We're going to Vegas.
Me: No just me and my friends.
Zay: (8 years old) Eyes start watering for how many days.
Me: I will leave on Friday come back Sunday. We will facetime all day ok?
Jr: Okay while looking confused…
Zay: Tears falling down his face... I don’t want you to go.
Me: You will be fine you have Daddy and Jr.
Zay: When you were little did you ever want to be away from your mom... for all those days (hysterically crying)
Me: You can’t be serious, (saying to myself) way to stand your ground you can’t possibly go now, just look at that sad face. 
Me: Okay guys I won’t go. But I am going to still take my hour to myself every day without any distractions.


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